WCCCA Constution
Constitution of the
Wisconsin Cross Country Coaches Association
(January 9, 2020)
Article I – Name and Purpose
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Wisconsin Cross Country Coaches Association (WCCCA)
Section 2. The purpose of this Association shall be:
A. To advance the sport of cross country throughout the state of Wisconsin
B. To encourage participation in cross country at all educational levels; especially the secondary and middle or junior high levels.
C. To promote the highest possible standards for coaching cross country.
D. To conduct an annual state-wide clinic and to promote local or regional clinics.
E. To strive for good public relations by promoting and publicizing cross country.
F. To work with the WIAA Cross Country Rules Advisory Committee in the recommendation of rules changes.
G. To select candidates to be inducted into the WCCCA Hall of Fame at the annual Hall of Fame Banquet.
H. To cooperate with the WIAA in furthering the cause of cross country throughout the state.
Article II - Membership
Section 1. MEMBERSHIP: The membership is open to all cross country coaches and other interested persons who agree to abide by the constitution of the WCCCA.
Section 2. PRIVILEGES: All members shall have the following privileges:
A. Speaking and voting at all general or special meetings of the WCCCA.
B. Receiving all communications sent out by the WCCCA.
C. Being eligible for election or appointment to an office or position within the WCCCA.
D. Being eligible for any award presented by the WCCCA.
Section 3. DUES: The membership dues shall be determined annually by the Executive Committee. This sum shall become due at the date of the annual clinic.
Article III - Officers
Section 1. OFFICERS: The officers of this association shall be the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Elected officers and district representatives of this association must be members in good standing and must be active cross country coaches in Wisconsin.
PRESIDENT: The president shall take office for a two-year term, which will commence on the clinic date of an odd year and shall preside over all regular meetings of the WCCCA, appoint committees as directed by the Executive Committee, and serve as ex-officio member of all committees. The president shall select those people to serve as vice-president and secretary. Nominations for president shall be solicited by the current president and the election shall be administered by one of the other officers, to be completed prior to the clinic date.
VICE-PRESIDENT: The vice-president shall serve a term that coincides with that of the president. The vice-president shall administer the WCCCA Coaches Poll or select and oversee another individual or group to do so. The vice-president shall help the president in all possible ways and shall preside at all regular meetings in the absence of the president.
SECRETARY: The secretary shall serve term that coincides with that of the president. The secretary shall record the minutes of all regular, executive meetings. The secretary shall assume all other duties that may be delegated by the Executive Committee.
​TREASURER: The treasurer shall serve by appointment of the Executive Committee with no term length or term limit. The treasurer shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures of the WCCCA, provide a budget report to the Executive Committee, and shall assume all other duties that may be delegated by the Executive Committee.
PAST PRESIDENT: The past president shall serve in a term that coincides with the current president. He/she serves as a mentor and assistant to the president and as a guide to help with a smooth transition are the new leadership.
CLINIC CHAIRMAN: The clinic chairman shall serve by appointment of the Executive Committee with no term length or term limit. The clinic chairman shall preside over all clinic operations. He/she shall direct and delegate all necessary duties to the clinic committee in order to provide an acceptable clinic. If the clinic chairman decides to step aside, the President will solicit and collect nominations for this position. The Executive Committee will appoint a new clinic chairman.
Section 2. DISTRICT REPS: There shall be a district rep for each of the seven WIAA Districts. The term shall be two years, commencing on the clinic date. Election of district reps will take place in odd-numbered years for odd-numbered districts and in even-numbered years for even-numbered districts. The president shall be responsible for soliciting nominations and conducting elections of district reps. District reps will be responsible for communicating with and collecting information from district schools and for conducting votes for district awards.
Section 3. TERM LIMIT: There shall be no term limits for any WCCCA officer position or District Reps.
Section 4. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following persons:
Past President
Clinic Chairman
The District Reps (7)
Article IV - Meetings
Section 1. ANNUAL MEETING: The annual meeting shall be held during the WCCCA clinic.
Section 2. OFFICER & EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS: The WCCCA Executive Committee meetings shall be held in each of the following periods of time:
February, a clinic follow-up and wrap-up meeting.
November, a post season/pre coaches advisory meeting.
January, a pre-clinic meeting.
Summer, a meeting as needed.
Section 3. SPECIAL MEETINGS: The President or Executive Committee, by a majority vote, may call a special meeting if they deem it necessary for the welfare of the WCCCA or beneficial to the sport of cross country.
Section 4. DECISIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Proposed items of the Executive Committee shall be enacted by a quorum plus one. A quorum of the Executive Committee is half of its members.
Article V – Amendment Process
Section 1. AMENDMENTS: Proposed amendments to the constitution shall be submitted in writing to the president for consideration at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. If approved for consideration, it shall be presented to the membership at the Annual meeting or through an email for a vote. Amendments shall be enacted by a quorum plus one. A quorum is a majority of the membership. Results will be made known at the annual meeting or through an email announcement.
Article VI – Procedures – Awards for Coaches
The WCCCA shall award the following to coaches for each season following its completion. Award winners must be current WCCCA members with exception to state coach of the year:
State Coach of the Year – a plaque will be awarded to the head coach of each championship team - each division, each gender (6 total).
District Coach of the Year – a plaque will be awarded to the head coach in each WIAA district as voted by fellow district coaches – each gender (14 total). Nomination and final voting will be conducted by the District Reps. State Championship coaches are not eligible for this award.
State Qualifier – a plaque to head coach of teams qualifying for the State Meet.
Conference Champion – a certificate to the head coach of teams earning a conference championship.
Article VII – Procedures – Awards for Runners
The WCCCA shall award the following to runners for each season following its completion:
State Runner of the Year – a plaque will be awarded to the individual State Meet champion in each class, each gender (6 total)
All-State Team – a medal will be awarded on three levels, per gender, based upon times run at the State Meet, regardless of division, as follows:
1st Team – gold medals to fastest 16 runners (plus ties)
2nd Team – silver medals to next 16 fastest runners (plus ties)
Honorable Mention – bronze medals to next 8 fastest times (plus ties)
​District Runner of the Year – a medal will be awarded to the most outstanding runner in each WIAA district, both genders, as voted upon by head coaches in each district. Nomination and final voting will be conducted by the District Reps. State Runners of the Year are not eligible for this award.
Academic All-State Designation, individual and team, as follows:
Individual Designation:
All runners who participate in the WIAA State Meet are eligible.
Runner’s cumulative GPA at the end of the first nine weeks grading period of the current school year will be used. All freshman runners will have their first nine weeks GPA used when determining individual and team awards.
Certificates will be presented to all runners who have a GPA of 3.5 or above, based upon a 4.0 scale. Schools that use a weighted grading scale must convert their runner’s grades to an un-weighted scale before submitting their grade point averages.
Team Designation:
All teams qualifying for the WIAA State Meet are eligible.
The team award will be determined by averaging the best 5 GPA’s of the 7 runners who compete for their team at the WIAA State Meet.
Certificates will be presented to the 7 runners of any qualifying school which has a combined average GPA of 3.4 and above following procedure above.
Article VIII – Submission of Proposals
The Wisconsin Cross Country Coaches Association (WCCCA) encourages its members to help make positive changes to cross country in Wisconsin. To streamline this process for the WCCCA, members who wish to bring ideas forward for the association of the membership to consider, must do so in the following manor:
Section 1. Submit a formal written proposal along with the proposal form to the WCCCA president. The proposal should include the following: purpose and rationale, data and/or research to support the idea, and the benefits the proposal will bring to cross country. Any other important information to help understand the proposal is also welcomed. Please include the author’s name, school, and contact information.
Section 2. For proposals to be considered as part of the Annual Business meeting at the WCCCA Clinic in January, they must be submitted by December 10th prior to the clinic.
Section 3: All proposals will be shared with the Executive Committee for consideration. The Executive Committee will determine: to move forward with the proposal as is by having it presented to the WCCCA membership for information and consideration, return the proposal to the author for additional information and/or clarification, reject the proposal for reasons determined and explained by the committee.
Section 4. This policy is in place to help the WCCCA be effective and efficient in its work. The WCCCA wants to hear and present all well thought out ideas for the membership to consider for the betterment of Wisconsin cross country.
Section 5. Link to the WCCCA Submission Form for proposal consideration: Click Here
Article IX – Hall of Fame Committee
The Hall of Fame Committee currently consists of eight members with one member serving as chair. It is their job to collect nominations for the Hall of Fame and meet to decide who will be inducted each year. The committee meets in the summer and determines the class that will be inducted at the January Clinic. If any committee member decides to step aside or retire, the President will make it known that there is a spot open. Any WCCCA member interested in joining the committee will make their intentions known to either the President of the Hall of Fame Committee Chair. The committee will then determine who the new member will be. If the Hall of Fame chair decides to step aside, the President will solicit and collect nominations for this position. The remaining committee members will decide who the new chairperson will be.
Article X – Dissolution
The Executive Committee, by majority vote, may dissolve the organization. In the event of such dissolution any remaining monies in the WCCCA account will be distributed to the WIAA to support the state series of meets and/or to the Wisconsin Track Coaches Association as decided by the Executive Committee.
Pervious Versions of the WCCCA Constitution